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After Season 6 Episode 11 When Did Reginald Barclay Again Appear on Voyager

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Without War to Guide Me [40k/Expedition]

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  • #676
Nope nope nope.

The navigators are against something that allows Warp travel without them or some other FTL method, communications don't affect them.

FTL in WH40K is either
Necrons Sufficiently advanced drive (aka, so advanced that no one has any clue how it works)
Eldar Webway (the Emperor actually tried to hijack information technology)
Warp travel (what the IoM and near anybody else uses).

Likewise, I'm not maxim they should be happy happy fun time advanced club but (ST)warp drive is such a fucking bones tech Alo gaise with subspace that whatsoever civilization that goes interplanetary in ST develops them so SOMEONE in 40K should have it and Big-East wouldn't utilize fucking astropaths if he had something ameliorate he KNEW how to do, particularly because the AdMech would be sucking his dick for all eternity after he taught them how to arrive.

Astropath that become with "They take our chore " so.:lol:In Horus Heresy,I retrieve they take some plot line that they destroy black glass or something like that,If Webway is cease and then they are pretty much useless and they want to prevent that.If I remember correctly Admech or someone already accept advice tech simply equally usual that tech is hibernate or destroy again.

Aren't they split in opinion and have different faction in Mars?The usual screw up of 40k of same side screw with each other plot,Mars is not bend easily even if Emperor himself still live in that time.

That the point ,The Emperor can pull pretty much any knowledge only why he don't practise that?

I can understand your bespeak of view of suspension of disbelieve,of mutual sense question of " Why anybody don't do that?"...only this is 40k you lot are talking about hither,Are this reason is unacceptable by 40k standard of plot to wipe out cool technology?

Like I said endeavor to made sense of plot is futile,and everyone and their mother should accept more than accelerate standard of living with tech level of 40k,why basic tech is lost in 40k setting then?

Yous can get with every ridiculous plot line to wipe out Star Trek warp travel like I said before,and that still in scope of "How this cool technology is lost" in 40k setting.

I remember anti gravity tank is a thing that lose until Guilliman come up dorsum and they use gravity tank again.Here is the instance of basic applied science of anti-gravity technology that very standard that everyone should know but become lost knowledge in 40k.

At present if you want to said " This is stupid,how the hell people lose common engineering science like that",I agree whole heartly.

But 40k writer said something along the line of"technology is precious and machine spirit run everything,so they don't gamble the existing technology,the 40k is not the setting that tin can fix by common sense man,that common sense man should dying very quickly in universe,the practice that seem foolish is exist for a reason..."

The 40k writer already try to observe reason to justified the in-universe do and lore already,Tin can you accept this kind of reason to explain why affair happen the way they are in-universe?

Like I said earlier,I experience pretty much lack of reason to prevent the 40k lore same for Star Trek lore.:lol:

  • #677
Astropath that get with "They have our chore " then.:lol:In Horus Heresy,I think they take some plot line that they destroy black glass or something similar that,If Webway is finish then they are pretty much useless and they want to preclude that.If I remember correctly Admech or someone already have advice tech merely equally usual that tech is hide or destroy once more
Ok, I see the problem now. You don't know what an astropath is.

You lot are talking about NAVIGATORS, Astropath are normal psykers that get would bonded to the Emprah and act as Warp E-mail service. NAVIGATORS are mutants that tin navigate the Warp.

Aren't they split up in opinion and have different faction in Mars?The usual screw upwards of 40k of same side screw with each other plot,Mars is not bend easily even if Emperor himself still alive in that time.

That the point ,The Emperor can pull pretty much any knowledge simply why he don't do that?

Because the guy is a genius but he isn't a ane man industrial revolution, yous still need the machines to make the machines, etc and trained people to operate them. (ST) Warp drive and subspace? Something Humanity did with a 21th century tech base, so totally inside his capabilities to implement in the IoM and that ALL OTHER CIVS, LIKE THE FUCKI Chiliad TAU COULD Utilize.
At present if yous want to said " This is stupid,how the hell people lose common technology similar that",I agree whole heartly.

Only 40k writer said something forth the line of"technology is precious and auto spirit run everything,so they don't run a risk the existing technology,the 40k is not the setting that can fix past common sense man,that common sense human should dying very quickly in universe,the do that seem foolish is exist for a reason..."

The 40k writer already attempt to find reason to justified the in-universe practice and lore already,Tin can you take this kind of reason to explain why thing happen the manner they are in-universe?

Like I said before,I feel pretty much lack of reason to prevent the 40k lore same for Star Expedition lore.

No, what happened in 40K was that two separate apocalypses wiped out the hyper advanced Homo civilization and left a lot of tech laying around with no i knowing how to operate it or how it worked, and then when Humanity was getting back on their collective anxiety (30K) the Horus Heresy happened and that was the final boom in the proverbial coffin.
All of that combined with dogma means that a lot of the tech they have is basically magic (the equivalent of a 18th century civilization having a nuclear reactor, computers and solar power. Something totally outside their expertise)
  • #678
Nope nope nope.

The navigators are against something that allows Warp travel without them or some other FTL method, communications don't impact them.

FTL in WH40K is either
Necrons Sufficiently advanced drive (aka, so avant-garde that no one has any clue how information technology works)
Eldar Webway (the Emperor really tried to hijack it)
Warp travel (what the IoM and almost everyone else uses).

Also, I'g not saying they should be happy happy fun time advanced society but (ST)warp drive is such a fucking basic tech Alo gaise with subspace that whatever civilisation that goes interplanetary in ST develops them then SOMEONE in 40K should take information technology and Large-E wouldn't use fucking astropaths if he had something better he KNEW how to do, peculiarly because the AdMech would be sucking his dick for all eternity after he taught them how to make it.

^ This.

Cochrane literally came up with basic (Trek) warp bulldoze principles in a mail-apocalyptic order. Equally Deatstroke mentioned, subspace based ftl and communications are and then mutual in Trek that Starfleet hasn't needed to come up with an alternate method of determining "are they avant-garde plenty" considering everyone advanced plenty to go ftl discovers subspace tech. Literally every major civilization in modernistic Trek and in the setting's history used subspace based technology.

Fifty-fifty with the Historic period of Strife, subspace tech should have been everywhere in 40k if the two settings were the same.

Hell, the presence of subspace tech should take significantly altered the Age of Strife. Considering a lot of those tragically cut off colonies wouldn't accept been as cut off. At the very least, local clusters of planets would have had communication, and possibly travel, between them.

This is ignoring all the Trek factions which would have had to mysteriously disappear in 40k, or all the 40k factions which would take to be mysteriously hiding in Expedition.

Final edited:
  • #679
or so help me I volition reduce your pain medication and permit y'all feel exactly how bad the injuries to your face and body really experience.
This office threw me for a two reasons
  1. He gave in at the threat of mere pain. Space marines go through much much much worse just over the class of grooming. Hopefully it was purely every bit a ruse to let them think he was cowed.
  2. A doctor decided to threaten to essentially torture their patient into compliance
  3. Why didn't they just remove Troi from the room if her presence was aggravating the patient?
  • #680
This office threw me for a two reasons
  1. He gave in at the threat of mere pain. Infinite marines get through much much much worse but over the course of training. Hopefully it was purely as a ruse to let them think he was cowed.
  2. A doctor decided to threaten to essentially torture their patient into compliance
  3. Why didn't they simply remove Troi from the room if her presence was aggravating the patient?
ane he gave to her because he recognized her "authority". Basically the meme/real matter of a pissed off medico.
2 Sure, why not? I hateful, he wouldn't exist in danger and if information technology'south that or dealing with an agressive mail-Human? No much selection
3 Adept indicate, no thought to be honest. Perchance in case something happened and thy required a telepaths?
  • #681
This part threw me for a two reasons
  1. He gave in at the threat of mere pain. Space marines go through much much much worse just over the course of grooming. Hopefully it was purely as a ruse to let them call back he was cowed.
  1. A doctor decided to threaten to substantially torture their patient into compliance
It was mostly an empty threat.
  1. Why didn't they only remove Troi from the room if her presence was aggravating the patient?

Beverly and Deanna are probably the virtually sympathetic on the ship to the Giant, only the Behemothic literally but murdered a lot of people. There is a bit of bleed off emotion from that.
  • #682
You know yous could justify no Star Expedition Warp Bulldoze in a Warhammer, you just have to use Voyager canon, which if y'all can stand it then ... Omega Particles. If someone was to create a significant corporeality of Omega Particles then star trek warp bulldoze would be buggered, as in no Warp Drive across the whole galaxy. Which would cause a collapse beyond the galaxy in star faring races. So if that happened then having Star Trek in the by of Warhammer becomes at to the lowest degree theoretically possible. Now if you lot'll alibi me I have to wash my mouth out with soap because I used Voyager canon.
  • #683
Eh the trouble with "ST is the past of WH40k" except warp drive is as well amount of near omnipotent out in that location and avant-garde races. You lot recall that they would permit Eldars to be such a dicks? Or orcs being anything else across small-scale pests? Q seeing Eldars being so high and mighty would Beloved to show them how insignificant they are. Then aye at start glance it looks solid just later it fails way faster than it should.
  • #684
Yall practice realize that even within Star Trek Cannon they've re-written existence several times to date right? 40k as well. If you're going to get wrapped around the beam about "which universe this is" or "is this the past / hereafter" this is going to exist a securely dissatisfying story for you because I firmly intend to never answer that question. It'south non relevant to my plot.
el Lobo
  • #685
I interpreted the scene betwixt the knight and the doctor a bit differently. I know jack about WH40K so forgive me I get some things wrong.

He was conditioned to obey medic orders and with the commutation they both had, he saw that she took her adjuration to heal patients above even her own feelings. Like, at first, he doubted her conviction to her oath.

  • #686
Ok, I see the problem now. You don't know what an astropath is.

You are talking well-nigh NAVIGATORS, Astropath are normal psykers that get would bonded to the Emprah and deed as Warp Eastward-mail. NAVIGATORS are mutants that can navigate the Warp.

Because the guy is a genius but he isn't a one human industrial revolution, you still need the machines to brand the machines, etc and trained people to operate them. (ST) Warp bulldoze and subspace? Something Humanity did with a 21th century tech base, so totally inside his capabilities to implement in the IoM and that ALL OTHER CIVS, Similar THE FUCKI G TAU COULD Employ.

No, what happened in 40K was that 2 separate apocalypses wiped out the hyper advanced Human culture and left a lot of tech laying around with no one knowing how to operate it or how it worked, so when Humanity was getting back on their collective feet (30K) the Horus Heresy happened and that was the concluding nail in the proverbial bury.
All of that combined with dogma ways that a lot of the tech they have is basically magic (the equivalent of a 18th century civilization having a nuclear reactor, computers and solar power. Something totally exterior their expertise)

Ah,my error
You still forget about the Beast set on the Imperium to wipe out remaining technology and made cool engineering science become away.:lol:

That the point I want to made that you tin can fabricated every reason to fabricated some technology exist in universe or not.

I see you lot take problem with how Trek ftl system that don't compatible and besides easy for race of 40k to discover then?

Now,I don't have anything to defend The Emperor in meta perspective,He can do pretty much everything we can do in current technology and more only don't for some reason.

That the betoken I want to agrue that yous give a laissez passer for reason of how affair happen in 40k but don't give a laissez passer for reason of how thing happen in fic,despite there are ton of reason to justified of how the universe should piece of work in the galaxy that have time travel technology and humpback whale[40k have space whale and time travel"coughPrimarch.coughing besides]:lol:

I understand you clearly that you think trek tech is too easy and everyone and their mother should have that,but why anybody and their mother made the world into hellhole and British contend warfare.

Why you requite it a pass for i reason and not another for the fic to go forth? Y'all can accept that two apocalypse happen to wipe out and GW also become with Third event of state of war of the beast to wipe out what Guilliman rebuild,why yous can not accept another possibility of some apocalypse that justified how the outcome in this fic happen?

^ This.

Cochrane literally came upwards with basic (Trek) warp drive principles in a post-apocalyptic club. As Deatstroke mentioned, subspace based ftl and communications are so mutual in Trek that Starfleet hasn't needed to come with an alternate method of determining "are they avant-garde plenty" because everyone avant-garde enough to go ftl discovers subspace tech. Literally every major civilization in modernistic Expedition and in the setting's history used subspace based technology.

Fifty-fifty with the Historic period of Strife, subspace tech should accept been everywhere in 40k if the two settings were the same.

Hell, the presence of subspace tech should accept significantly altered the Age of Strife. Considering a lot of those tragically cutting off colonies wouldn't accept been every bit cut off. At the very least, local clusters of planets would take had advice, and perchance travel, betwixt them.

This is ignoring all the Trek factions which would have had to mysteriously disappear in 40k, or all the 40k factions which would have to be mysteriously hiding in Expedition.

I retrieve they retcon Cochrane equally government fund event in novel now.
  • #687
I call back they retcon Cochrane as authorities fund outcome in novel now.
Novels don't count as canon if I remember correctly.
Professor Janus
  • #688
Novels don't count as canon if I retrieve correctly.
ST catechism is in a weird spot correct now. Some novels are/were catechism, while others are not.

I retrieve the fourth dimension that the Borg went all Grey Goo and adsorbed Pluto (which was just reclassified as a planet again) is notwithstanding catechism. That information technology has Borg Queen Janeway threatening Lady Q while getting back the Borg's threatening aspects is merely a plus.

Not to sure about other book lines.

  • #689
Ah,my fault
You lot still forget about the Beast attack the Imperium to wipe out remaining technology and fabricated cool technology go away.:lol:

That the point I desire to made that you lot can made every reason to fabricated some applied science exist in universe or non.

I see you take problem with how Trek ftl system that don't compatible and too easy for race of 40k to find then?

Now,I don't have anything to defend The Emperor in meta perspective,He tin do pretty much everything we can practice in current technology and more than but don't for some reason.

That the point I want to agrue that you requite a pass for reason of how thing happen in 40k just don't requite a laissez passer for reason of how affair happen in fic,despite there are ton of reason to justified of how the universe should work in the galaxy that have time travel engineering and humpback whale[40k have infinite whale and time travel"coughPrimarch.cough besides]:lol:

I understand you conspicuously that y'all think trek tech is also easy and everyone and their mother should take that,but why everyone and their mother made the world into hellhole and British fence warfare.

Why you give it a pass for one reason and not some other for the fic to continue? You can take that two apocalypse happen to wipe out and GW also go with 3rd result of war of the beast to wipe out what Guilliman rebuild,why you can non accept some other possibility of some apocalypse that justified how the event in this fic happen?

I think they retcon Cochrane as government fund upshot in novel at present.

I'm not sure what I just read.

Anyway, my signal is that some ST tech is so basic and and so mutual in the setting that it would be incommunicable for it not to exist in 40K. Information technology's a as simple as that.

ST canon is in a weird spot right now. Some novels are/were canon, while others are not.

I think the time that the Borg went all Grayness Goo and adsorbed Pluto (which was but reclassified every bit a planet again) is nevertheless catechism. That it has Borg Queen Janeway threatening Lady Q while getting back the Borg's threatening aspects is but a plus.

Not to sure about other book lines.

Wtf? Thats some weird shit.
Professor Janus
  • #690
Wtf? Thats some weird shit.
Ho ho, it gets better.

Ever wondered what a Super-Pluto-Borg Sphere verses the Doomsday Car from TOS fight would wait like? What would happen if the Borg actually got Shit Done and stopped belongings back? The Borg nearly became a whole new nightmare on par with the Flood if Starfleet didn't end Borg Queen Janeway'due south plan.

It too has a lot of continuity nods and they actually recollect the 'Tech of the Calendar week'.

  • #691
Wtf? Thats some weird shit.
Should I remind episode when Janeway and Parris devolved in lizards and started laying eggs? Interestingly enough afterwards episode they forgotten about their children they left on planets...... hmmm
  • #692
ST canon is in a weird spot right now. Some novels are/were canon, while others are not.

I think the time that the Borg went all Greyness Goo and adsorbed Pluto (which was merely reclassified as a planet again) is yet canon. That information technology has Borg Queen Janeway threatening Lady Q while getting back the Borg's threatening aspects is just a plus.

Not to sure about other book lines.

I thought information technology was but a affair of levels of catechism? With shows and movies existence main while the books and other materials are secondary/tertiary canon? For instance, the books and Star Trek Online both deed as sequels for the TV serial, but are obviously in a dissimilar canon/universe/timeline from each other.

Then stuff in the books is canon to the books just, unless information technology'southward confirmed in a tv serial/movie, is non primary catechism. To that cease, you lot can pick/cull what secondary/tertiary canon to use, or but ignore it entirely.

Professor Janus
  • #693
I thought it was just a thing of levels of catechism? With shows and movies beingness main while the books and other materials are secondary/third canon? For case, the books and Star Expedition Online both act as sequels for the Boob tube series, but are patently in a different canon/universe/timeline from each other.

Then stuff in the books is canon to the books but, unless it's confirmed in a tv series/movie, is non chief canon. To that terminate, you can pick/choose what secondary/tertiary canon to use, or just ignore it entirely.

I guess that is somewhat true, just there are some stories and sections IIRC that is expressively non canon from any in universe viewpoint.
  • #694
I'm not sure what I just read.

Anyway, my signal is that some ST tech is and so basic so common in the setting that information technology would be incommunicable for it not to exist in 40K. It's a equally simple as that.

Wtf? Thats some weird shit.

My betoken is the same every bit you,I just use that indicate to both setting.:lol:

Y'all said near Horus heresy as final boom in coffin to erase the tech,I only said that GW use War of the Creature equally another blast in bury.

About simple tech that lose form time and everyone should have is gravity tech,The 40k Imperium lose it until Guilliman come back to fabricated gravity tank once again.

  • #695
Data felt nothing every bit he stared at the display showing the Giant and calculated what a normal human ought to feel under these circumstances. He'd grown better at approximating human emotions over fourth dimension, determining the advisable emotional response through a mix of trial and error and research, but ultimately the best he could manage was a mirror of his human being companions. Emotions were a marvel for the Android, if not an obsession. Or rather, they would have been interpreted equally either by someone who chose to anthropomorphize the construct.

Data, for all his best efforts, was not human. No matter how close of an analogue he would go, Data would very likely never get homo. His life's goal of achieving true personhood was so unlikely every bit to be a statistical abnormality. The futility might well have crushed someone capable of feeling the weight of dubiousness or failure.

Only Data was not capable of that. Data was an Android.

His friends were aware of that, at least on a conceptual level. Only he frequently suspected that the nuance of that was lost on the oft-irrational organics with whom he worked. His counterpart emotions were treated equally their organic proxies, effectively giving him the results of personhood without having actually achieved the necessary mechanisms to found and maintain them. In pure clinical terms, had Information been an organic, he would potentially have been diagnosed with some variant of sociopathy or personality disorder. He did not care almost the people with whom he worked, not in the same mode that they cared about him. Whereas an organic with like limitations would have probable become fierce or destructive, however, Data was not a victim of ego or pride.

Data was capable of following his purpose without the emotions that limited his peers. In truth, he was capable of picayune else. He had been created with the goal of condign human, learning to be a good man. A good man was caring, selfless, and defended to the communal good, and so Data was devoted to those goals. A good homo had good friends, so Information sought out other men and women he believed to exist objectively good men and women to learn from. Joining Starfleet had almost been a foregone conclusion, it provided him with a series of behavioral codes and communal expectations from which he could rely upon when his own internal sense for "what a good homo might do" was insufficient for his circumstances. It besides provided him an environment inside which his emotional limitations were often an invaluable boon to the mission. It immune him to do things beyond the limits of mortal men without incurring their fear or derision, instead accumulating their gratitude.

A gratitude he observed conspicuously in the eyes of every man and adult female with a child in the daycare he and Barclay had saved from the Giant's rampage. The organic need to protect one'south progeny was powerful, their loyalty to those who assist in that process unquestionable. They congratulated him endlessly, patting him on the back and telling him that he was a hero for being willing to take a chance everything. That he'd been brave for what he'd done.

But he hadn't been brave. Bravery was when someone did something that they knew to be correct in spite of their fright, a production of courage. When he'd transported the Giant out into the vacuum of space he'd non been afraid or mettlesome, he'd only been acting upon the most practical metrics of cause and effect based upon the resources to which he had immediate access. Data knew that his body would survive the vacuum with minimal damage, and that the Giant would have a limited power to do him impairment. There really wasn't much that could actually damage the Android, his body was as sturdily built as most starship hulls.

He suspected that even with human emotions, the act wouldn't have acquired him substantial emotional duress. Then again, he had a relatively limited pool of experiences upon which to gauge that, and all of them from the perspective of an outsider.

"Do you lot think he's scared?" Asked a homo'south voice from over Data'south shoulder. Reginald Barclay stood behind him, observing the aforementioned display as the Android. Information observed the man with amber eyes, assessing the other human being's emotions.

Reginald Barclay was ever an interesting subject to observe. He gave many insights into human frailty given how he was frightened of nearly everything. The human being was nervous and unsure of himself, which was made more impractical by his capacity for introspection. He was afraid that his compatriots were always speaking ill of him, which in plough meant that he was always socially bad-mannered around them and caused them to speak ill of him when he was non nowadays.

It would be interesting to run across if that would stop now that his shipmates were lauding him every bit a hero. Data assessed that the man hadn't noticed however, given his continued nervous twitching, only nobody had referred to the human every bit "Broccoli," since the incident without someone else virtually coming to blows with the person who'd insulted one of their children'due south savior. Worf had been on the verge of actually gutting a man who'd been crass enough to advise that Barclay had probably pissed himself in the Jeffries tube, settling instead for smashing the man's head against the bulkhead leading to of X Forward. He probably should have received an official citation for having cleaved the human being's nose, merely the only Starfleet witnesses to the incident were Data, who hadn't been noticed past those involved, and Primary O'Brien, who'd informed the man that if he were dumb enough to actually press charges that the Chief would happily practice worse to him while singing an Irish shanty. Both Worf and the Main had children.

Information elected to trust in the judgement of his two friends, and not report the incident. This was, in his estimation, ane of those tribal loyalty things that he didn't demand to empathise totally to properly participate in. So when Barclay gravitated towards Data, choosing to stay virtually the Android who'd saved him in his moment of need, Information pretended non to discover that the man had avoided whatever duty that would pull him abroad from his protector. He had covertly informed the residuum of the duty shift that it was acceptable for them to switch shifts to accommodate those desires, and had assigned him difficult tasks in the hopes that it would distract the man from his recent near-death feel.

For at present, he'd assigned the human the duty of overseeing the protections keeping the Giant bound and confined to the Brig. Deanna had suggested it would be a good thought to give the human purpose, allow him to take power over the thing that had frightened him. Information wondered if the man'south questions were a sign that he'd moved past fear into something more productive.

The Android considered the question briefly before replying, "Perhaps he is. I cannot be sure, as fright is non within my lexicon. He is an engineered being, and I cannot assume to have a baseline for what he does and does not fear."

Reginald considered the Android'southward response, rubbing at his chin as he manipulated the controls for the shield modulation. "I th-think he is."

"On what do you make that assessment?" Data inquired, turning to the other man in genuine interest. Organics seemed to have a talent for intuitive leaps for this sort of thing that no amount of data processing e'er quite seemed able to match.

"He's c-citing something. It's rote, almost l-similar scripture." Reginald chewed his lip. "People don't cite s-scripture when they're confident. They c-cite it when they're trying t-to convince someone else that they're right or to condolement themselves. Nobody has been in that room for hours and he keeps repeating the same phrases again and again."

"Many species take meditative rituals for concentration." Data suggested. "The Vulcans seek clarity of thought, and have chats to assert every bit much."

"D-Data, the Vulcans don't talk of 'purging' the unclean or 'slaying' thursday-their foes." Barclay turned away from the console to look at the shielded pillar behind them. The Giant's armor sat inside information technology, covered in iii different layers of shielding so that the Federation could study its internal mechanisms. "I don't retrieve he'south trying to m-meditate. I t-call up he'southward trying to tell united states of america he's non scared."

Data blinked in momentary confusion as he tried to process the contradiction inherent in that argument. "And you feel that him asserting how not afraid of united states of america is evidence of how afraid he is."

"I-I know a lot about beingness a-agape, Data." Reginald replied pointing to the armor. "I one thousand-know what it feels like to remember that y-yous're alone. The only westward-mode you go on going is to tell yourself that you lot accept to, that y-you lot're not as scared as you really are. He's naked, 50-literally and figuratively. If he isn't agape he isn't sane."

"Sanity did not appear to exist a primary business of the Behemothic." Data replied. "But his state of mind at the fourth dimension of the incident was not indicative of his full faculties."

"Could y'all imagine how terrible it would be, waking upwards to discover that you're the only 1 left of your kind?" Reginald's optics bulged as he realized what he'd just said and to whom he'd spoken it. "I didn't – I but meant…."

"It'southward alright." Information replied. "I am not offended. I have no feelings to injure."

"I forget sometimes that you aren't man." Reginald shrugged, "Information technology figures, I never quite get along with p-people as well as I do with machines."

"I do not empathize the specifics of emotion, but I do know something of what it is similar to wake up and realize that y'all are office of a world that is not your ain." Information approximated a shrug. "I accept plant my identify and purpose."

"Do yous call back that h-he will finish up doing what you did?" Reginald replied. "J-joining Starfleet?"

"I have insufficient inputs to extrapolate a pattern of beliefs for our guest." The Android considered the matter. "The Captain seems to promise that a positive exchange of information tin be accomplished, merely given the fatalities I am unsure how much benefit will be derived from this initial meeting."

"I-I didn't become to the wakes." Reginald swallowed. "I c-couldn't bear to come across the bodies."

Information nodded. He'd suspected that had been office of why Reginald agreed to this specific shift when it had come upwards on the duty roster. The ship was in mourning even as its crew tried to plant diplomatic relations with the ane who'd slain its own. There had been more than a few rumblings in the enlisted about precisely what ought to have been done with the human being in their brig, many of them murderous. It had not been an accident that Data, who required neither rest nor sleep, had been assigned the duty of overseeing the Giant's incarceration. Picard could trust the Android not to "accidentally" vent the atmosphere from the Brig or overload a power conduit to fry him in a jet of plasma. Starfleet was not known for such mutinous violence, but people were people. And many had lost friends and family unit to the Giant already.

The giant might well cull to enter Starfleet. If those in Starfleet chose to allow him to live long plenty to come to that conclusion was another thing entirely. None had really been so bold as to endeavor to impale the Behemothic in spite of the communal rumblings to that effect, but more than a few of the bereaved had officially petitioned for formal charges to be leveled.

"Data… do you think that the Behemothic realizes that he'southward the only 1 left all the same? I mean, he doesn't trust us, he doesn't know us, and he hasn't seemed overly interested in believing u.s.." Barclay chewed his lip. "Practice yous call up that he's simply waiting for someone to come up and rescue him? More men in that armor?"

Data considered the matter, "Information technology's possible, possibly even probable. He has only recently regained his senses and is, for all intents and purposes, our prisoner. We realize that eons take passed since his lodge fell to antiquity, just in that location is no reason to assume he is aware of this."

"I- I d-don't envy the one who has to tell him that." Reginald shivered. "E-either he b-believes you or he doesn't, and I'm not sure which reaction has to potential to b-be worse."

Data couldn't help but agree. Had he been capable of fear, the prospect of conveying that truth might take terrified him.

  • #696
That's an...interesting take on Data.
The Stormbringer
  • #697
That's an...interesting have on Data.
I liked information technology, it's quite unlike. I always was fondest of Data, only that very well could be only from the human trait of anthropomorphizing things we come across.
  • #698
I liked information technology, information technology'south quite different. I always was fondest of Data, simply that very well could be simply from the human trait of anthropomorphizing things we see.

Data is by far my favorite character, merely the reason that I like him and so much is that he is perpetually expending effort to try and exist human. He is eternally devoted to the pursuit of being not simply a man, simply a good human being. He is non, however, equipped with the necessary faculties to reach full personhood past default. The TNG character ark for Data is entirely about him evolving into someone who has progressed from imitating democratic personhood, to someone who is a man in their ain right.


The Defender of Eravate
  • #699
Principal is an enlisted man. He knows how to handle things without getting the contumely involved.

And Reg is quite insightful hither. It is one of the reasons I similar him every bit a character, because he is profoundly intelligent, but socially stunted, something that many young nerds tin can relate to, and I like that you managed to capture his awkwardness without overlooking his intelligence.

  • #700
You might want to add the latest chapter to the index.

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