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Can You Post Amazon Affiliate Links on Facebook

[Updated 11/6/2019 to further clarify FTC and Amazon Associates requirements around disclosure]

Chapter links on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram our crucial to chapter marketing, specially for Creators (authors, musicians, filmmakers, photographers & videographers, streamers, and the many others who make wonderful things to share on the Internet) to interact with their peers and audiences.  These platforms are likewise incredibly of import to share recommendations for the books, music, and films these artists work hard to create as well equally the tools necessary during the creation process. We figured it was well-nigh time that we wrote about how to apply Amazon Chapter links. When done correctly, recommendations on social media can be incredibly lucrative revenue channels for Creators past taking advantage of affiliate marketing and the Amazon affiliate program.

While some misinformation is still floating around the Internet, using Amazon'due south Associates Program on social media platforms is completely allowed.  However, there are a few things to be cognizant of, merely similar using the Amazon affiliate program with a blog, to ensure skillful standing and a healthy relationship.  We'll dive into the three primary tenets to think when posting affiliate links on Facebook, and other media. As well every bit a few bad ideas and endeavor to clear upwards some ambiguity in regards to using Amazon links on YouTube, Facebook and their social media peers.

Delight note that while nosotros've organized and summarized some of the about common questions in regards to posting affiliate links on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram, there is no substitute for being familiar with Amazon'southward Chapter Operating agreement and Program Policies that dictate the utilise of their affiliate program.  If you haven't yet, we'd strongly encourage you to review those.  Additionally, Amazon's Resource Center recently published an incredibly helpful guide to sharing links on Social Media that we'll quote from periodically below.

Is It Okay?

Tin can I put Amazon Affiliate links on Youtube?  Do Amazon Affiliate links work on Pinterest? Can I apply Amazon affiliate links on Facebook?

Yeah!  We hear these questions all of the time and one of the slap-up things about the Amazon affiliate plan is its versatility.  While "offline" utilize (email/ebooks/PDFs) isn't allowed , Amazon is quite okay with you lot sharing your affiliate links with your audience on social media channels, though with a few caveats.  Farther due to the nature of an Amazon chapter link, they can be used beyond the many different social media platforms, and through 3rd-political party tools, to brand product recommendations and earn commissions.

Amazon explicitly states, "You can share on social networks where your readers are" and goes on to elaborate by saying "…what you're allowed to employ on your website is what y'all're immune to utilize on your social media feeds." via their recent guide to sharing links on social media.

However, it's important to note the iii tenets of posting Amazon affiliate links on social media:

ane/ Link Cloaking

As many readers to our weblog know there are many limitations to the Amazon affiliate OneLink service such as not working for links on social media.  This then requires a 3rd-party tool, such as Geniuslink, in society to fully serve and monetize the links a Creator shares with their audience.  When asked about this, Amazon states their acceptance with the post-obit language:

Can I use third-party tools to create and share posts?
Yes, as long as the resulting post is compliant with the OA and Program Policies. ( source )

And in their Program Policies addendum to the Operating Understanding referred to above they state:

(due west) You will not use a link shortening service, button, hyperlink or other advertizing placement in a style that makes information technology unclear that you are linking to an Amazon Site. ( source )

This just boils downwards to ensuring transparency and edifice trust when you lot share a link and this is really a lot easier than it sounds.

Amazon says, "They will trust you more if you are transparent about where you are directing them." ( source ) and we wholeheartedly agree.

This is washed by only including a mention of "Amazon" in close proximity of any link you share on social media to let your audience know where a link is directing them.  This tin can be the word "Amazon" after the link or including Amazon in the call to action earlier the link.

For instance:

Example of adding "Amazon" next to a short link
Sharing an Amazon affiliate link on social media should include a mention of "Amazon" nearby.

Another choice to ensure compliance, non only with link cloaking but also with including an affiliate disclaimer (discussed next), is to apply a "Choice Folio" – an optimized landing page that is built to ensure Amazon compliance and encourage interested consumers to buy.  Y'all tin can cleanly organize your affiliate links on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram through Choice Pages. Observe more information about Option Pages and the various ways they can be used .

two/ Affiliate Disclosures

Transparency is important!  Not only for your audience (to inspire trust which leads to higher sales and conversions), simply also for Amazon (see the previous section) AND the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)!

Ultimately, this means ii disclosures, one at the link level for the FTC and a second ane at the channel level for Amazon.

FTC Affiliate Disclosure

With each mail service/tweet/video you publish that includes an affiliate link you lot have two requirements.  First, equally noted in the section in a higher place, it is of import to notation "Amazon" in proximity to your Amazon affiliate links to ensure your readers know where they are being directed.  2d, the FTC requires "that material connections between advertisers and endorsers are disclosed to customers."  As a result, you will as well demand to include a short disclaimer that shows the financial relationship.  Unfortunately "#chapter" isn't enough in these cases according to the FTC.  Amazon instead recommends using "#ad", "(paid link)", or "#CommissionsEarned."

Amazon Assembly Disclosure

Farther, when you are using the Amazon Associates Program, you need to include Amazon's affiliate disclosure.

In order to practise this Amazon strongly recommends you utilise this sentence — "Equally an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." –to proceed Amazon in skillful continuing with the FTC.

Amazon has clarified where this disclosure should live and states:

For social media user-generated content, it must be associated with your account. This can be on an "about" or "info" department. For individual social media postings, this total argument is not required."
( source )

If this is the least scrap disruptive, I'd encourage you to read through our in-depth blog about FTC compliance when using the Amazon Associates plan.

Again, if you'd rather avert including all this info in your social media posts and contour we'd encourage you lot to use our fully compliant Option Folio tool that includes both an FTC disclosure built into the page and a direct link to the Amazon Associates disclosure.

3/ Listing Channels

The third tenet of using Amazon chapter links among your social media channels is to ensure you lot listing where you program on using your links.  This is done in the Amazon Associates Central dashboard.

You may non recollect this step when y'all commencement signed up for the Amazon chapter programme only that's okay as information technology's easy to jump back in and make the addition.  Get to Account Settings and then " Edit Your Website And Mobile App List " to include all of your social media channels, besides every bit your websites/blogs.

Example of adding social media channels to your dashboard
Be certain to list the websites and social media channels y'all program on including your affiliate links in.

Farther, we'd encourage you to follow this communication to assist eliminate the electronic mail from Amazon'due south affiliate compliance squad asking about "your referring traffic" that is sure to add together some stress and grey pilus:

  1. Add all channels before you beginning referring traffic.  Further, it's important to add together the total channel (eg. "") not just the domain (eg. "")
  2. Be certain to include "" if you lot're are using Option Pages.
  3. While very repetitive, we also encourage y'all to update the website list on EACH of the Amazon Associates Central dashboards y'all are active in (eg. if yous are using the affiliate program and for the Amazon Canada affiliate program).

Not Allowed

Exterior of the three tenets mentioned above, there are four more statutes that you should be cognizant of when using the Amazon affiliate program and to posting links on social media:

i/ Just In Your Channel

No i likes spam and spamming chapter links isn't skilful for anyone.  As a result, Amazon'due south affiliate program makes the requirement that you only mail service links when "You are the sole moderator of the account that you lot programme to post to" ( source ).  This means that posting your chapter links in forums, groups or in replies/comments isn't cool.

ii/ Public

Amazon employs an intense review process to ensure compliance within its affiliate program and in order for that process to piece of work it's important that your links are posted somewhere public and widely attainable.  If Amazon's compliance squad tin can't access your link to review them then you'll likely be getting one of those dreaded emails asking well-nigh "your referring traffic".

3/ No paid ads

While the Amazon affiliate plan can provide a dandy manner to go insight into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by using different tracking IDs per entrada, placement and/or call to action, this process is non permitted with paid ads on social media.  Amazon states:

No, you cannot employ chapter links in paid ads or pay ("boost") posts that include chapter links. They cannot comprise or be used to annunciate your Amazon affiliate links and send the customer directly to Amazon. ( source )

However, there is a solution to this – Choice Pages.  Amazon elaborates on the in a higher place argument saying that information technology is okay to " utilize paid ads to send users directly to your participating Site… " where a "Site" can exist a Choice folio (but don't forget to listing "" on the Sitelist inside the Assembly Key dashboard, #3 above).

4/ Don't ask for clicks or bookmarks

While it may seem like a practiced idea to mention that your channel is made possible by buying products on Amazon after clicking your affiliate links during the centre of your stream you are actually jeopardizing all of your hard piece of work.  Amazon specifically forbids this behavior in their Operating Understanding.

Amazon states "Y'all will not offering any person or entity whatsoever… incentive…" in section 6 (yard) of their policies.  We've seen this specifically interpreted as non existence allowed to ask people to click your affiliate links or buy random products afterward clicking your links as supporting you and your channel is considered an incentive.  We encourage you to stick to recommending a specific product and if necessary mentioning that a link to buy that product can be institute in your show notes, video description, or comments.

Taking that one step further Amazon also states "Yous must non encourage customers to bookmark your Special Links." in section 2 (b) of their Policies folio.  There isn't much room for confusion on that one. Delight don't do it!


Social media is has become an incredibly powerful medium and the various social media platforms take become amazing places to build and curate an active and engaged audition.  This, in combination with chapter marketing, creates unique opportunities to open up up meaning revenue streams that weren't there a decade ago. But with dandy opportunity comes responsibility (simply inquire Marking Zuckerberg) then delight be mindful when sharing your affiliate links on Facebook and across your various channels.

Practiced luck and please permit us know if yous accept whatever questions.  Nosotros wait frontward to helping you get even more than successful.


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